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domingo, 24 de abril de 2011

Protist and Fungi

protozoan: one-celled animal-like organism with a nucleus.
cilia: short hair like parts on the surface of the cell.
 sporozoans: protozoans that reproduce by forming spores.

spores: special cells that develop into new organism.

algae: plantlike protists

multicellular: means that an organism has many different cells that do certain jobs for the organism.

 slime mold: fungus like protists that are consumers.

hyphae: network of threadlike structures most fungi are made up.

sporangium fungi: fungi that produce spores in sporangia.

sporangia: structure on the tips of hyphae that make spores.

club fungi: fungi with club-shaped parts that produce spores.

sac fungi: produce spores in saclike structures.

budding; reproduction in which small part of the parent grows into a new organism.

mutualism: arrangement in which both organism are benefit.

lichen: a fungus and an organism with chlorophyll living together.


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