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I am Melanie, this is my blog. In this blog Iwill put great information so make comments to make it better. You would read information that impress you , science , and other things that is good to know to have more knowledge. So please make comments to know if my bolg is great.The objective of my bolg is to know things that is the basic of ur life.It is good to know everyday something.

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

How Levers Work

Simple machine :  a device with few parts that makes it easier to do work.
Effort force :  the force applied to do a machine.
Resistance force :  the force that a machine acts against.
Lever : a simple machine made of a rigid bar on a pivot point.
Fulcrum:  the pivot point of alever.
Mechanical advatage: The number of times a mchine multiplies the force applied.
Pulley :  a grooved wheel that turns by the action of arope in the groove.
Wheel and axle : a simple machine made of a handle or axis attached to the center of a wheel.

Energy and Work

Potentional energy :  the energy stored in an object or material.
Gravitational potentional energy:  the potentional energy of an object located above the ground.
Kinetic energy:  the energy of amoving object.
Work :  force applied to an object times the distance the object moves.