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domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010


hot spot:a very hot part of the mantel,where magma can melt through a plate moving above it.

vent:a central opening in a volcanic area through which magma may escape.

lava:magma that reaches Eath´s surface and flows out of a vent.

crater:a cuplike hollow that forms at the top of a volcano around the vent.

cinder-cone volcano:a steep-side cone that forms from explsive eruptions of hot rocks,ranging from particles to boulders.

shield volcanos:a wide,gently sloped cone that forms from flows of lava.

composite volcano:a cone formed from explosive eruptions of hot rocks followed by a flow of lava,over and over.

geothermal energy:heat from below Earth´s surface


 fault:a huge crack in the crust,at or below the surface,the sides of which may show evidence of motion.

focus:the point where an earthquake starts,where rocks begin to slide past each other.

seismic wave:a vibration that spreads out away from a focus when an earthquake happens.

epicenter:the point on Earth´s surface directly above the focus.

aftershock:the shaking of the crust after the intial shaking of an earthquake.

seismograph:a sensitive device that detects the shakingof the crust.

magnitude:the amount of energy releasedby an earthquake.


crust: Earth´s solid,rocky surface cotaning the continents and ocean floor.

original horizontality:the idea that many kinds of rocks form in flat,horizontal layers

continental drift:the idea that a supercontinent split apart into pices,the continents,which drifted intime4 to their present locations.

sea-floor spreading:the idea that new crust is forming
at ridges in the sea floor,spreading apart the crust on either side of the ridges.

magma:hot,molten rock below Earth´s surface.

plate tectonics:the idea that Earth´s surface is broken into plates that move.

mantle:Earth´s layer beneath the crust.

subduction:where plates collied,the sliding of a denser ocean plate under anothe plate

Vocabulary#12 Moving Plates

Crust: Earth solid, rocky surface contaning the conteining the continents and ocean floor.

original horizontaly: the idea that some rocks or mountainsd where form by horizontal lines.

continental drift: the idea that in the past all the continents where together and that are still moving apart 1cm por year.

sea floor spriding: the idea that a new crust is forming under water sea floor.

magma: hot, molten rock below Earth surface.

plate tectonics: that earth is form by plates that moves.

mantle: Earth leyer beneath the crust.

subduction: where plates colide, the slidingof a denser oceanplate under another plate.

Vocabulary#11 Galaxys and beyond

galaxy: a large group of stars held together by the gravity.

milky way: our home galaxy.

spectrum: a band of colors made when light white light is broken up.

expantion redshift: the shift of a spectrum of a galaxy toward longer (redder)wave lents to do the expansion of space.

big bang: the bigining of the univers, when the densyty of the universe was very haight.

background radietion: electromagnation radiotion left over the bing bang,

quasar: an extrimly bright, extrimly distant,hight energy source.

Vocabulary#10 Stars

star: a large, hot ball of gases, which is held together by gravity and gives off its own light.

Black hole: an object whoos gravity is so strong that light can not escape it.

parallax: the apparent shift in an object´s location when viewed from two positions.

Light year:  the distance light trvels in a year.                              

constelletion: a number of stars that appear to form a pattern.

magnitude: the brightness of a star.
nebula: a cloud of gases and dust in space.

super nova: a star that explodes.

Vocabulary#9 The Outer Solar System

Comet: a ball of rock and ice that orbit the sun.
Meteoroid: a small asteroid ( rocky object that orbit the sun ) , wich may be far out in the solar system or close to the inner planets.
meteor: a Meteoroid that enters Earth atmospher and borns with a strike of light.

meteorite: any part of the Meteoroid that reaches earth surface.

Vocabulary# 8 The inner solar system

planet: a large body orbiting a star , such as the Sun.

asteroid: a rocky, metalic object that orbit the sun.

solar system: a star such as the sun, and all objects orbiting it.

Kepler laws: laws that summarize the movment of the planets.

Vocabulary#7 The Moon in Motion

phase of the Moon: the shape of the lighted part of the Moon seen from Earth at any time.

lunar eclipse: a blocking of a view of the full moon when the moon passes into Earth shadow.

Solar eclipse: a bloking out of a view of the sun when the earth passe throught the moon shadow.

tide: the regular rise and fall of the water level along a shorline.

Vocabulary# 6 Earth and Sun

rotation: a complete spin on an axis.

International Date Line: the 180 line of longitude.

standard time zone: a belt 15 wide in longitude in which all places have the same time.

revolution: one complete trip around the sun.

Vocabulary# 5 Tools of Astronomer

Universe: everything that exist.

telescope: a divice that collects light and make distance objects appear closer and larger.


refraction: the bending of waves as they go from one substances to another.


reflection: the bouncing of waves off a surface.

wavelength: the distance from one peak to the next on a wave.


frequency: the number of waves that pass through a point in a second.


electromagnetic spectrum: waves of light in order by wavelength.